Product Description
CIL Provides Accredited Animal Feed Inspection Services in Delhi.Animal feed testing services from CDG help to keep animalshealthy, while ensuring that suppliers, manufacturers and users of animal feedremain compliant with national and international regulations. If you areinvolved in the supply chain for aquaculture, poultry, swine and livestockfeed, you need to know that the right nutrients are included in the rightquantities. It is also vital that the feed does not exceed the maximum allowedamounts of mycotoxins, veterinary drugs, pesticides and other chemicalcontaminants. Animals that eat nutrient poor or mycotoxin high feed will notgrow properly and will produce lower than normal levels of milk and fewer eggs.The animals are also likely to become ill and could even die which also happenswhen there are excessive pesticides levels and chemical contaminants present. Ifthe level of veterinary drugs is too low, they will not work effectively. If itis too high, there will be unacceptable traces in the milk, eggs and other fooddestined for human consumption. Consumers need to be sure that their food haspassed all of the appropriate tests for contamination. Our accredited testinglaboratories are easily accessible, and service a large number of animal andaquaculture feed manufacturers and farming operations. The comprehensive animalfeed inspection, analysis and testing service of CDG ensures your organisationdoes not endanger the health of animals or humans. This means that our servicealso helps minimize your risk of non compliance, negative publicity, and legalredress. Contact CDG to find out how your business can benefit from our animaland aquaculture feed testing service. Intertek provides inspection and testingof animal feeds, in the field and in the laboratory. Services include animalfeed analysis, quality, nutritional value, formulation, contaminationinvestigation and more. Animal feed tests and methods, Amino Acid, AOAC,HPLC, Ash,AOAC, Gravimetric, Calcium, AOAC, Volumetric, Chloride, Salt, AOAC, Volumetric,Carbohydrates, Calculations, Drugs, Antibiotics AOAC, Fat, (Ether Extract) AOAC,Fat, Acid Hydrolysis AOAC, Fiber, Crude AOAC, Moisture, AOAC, Minerals,(Metals) Atomic Absorption, Microscopic Analysis, AOAC, Microscopic, MelamineDetection, FDA, Phosphorus, AOAC (SPEC.), Protein, AOAC, Kjeldhal, Combustion, PepsinDigestibility, AOAC, Kjeldhal, Sugar, Total AOAC, TDN, Total DigestibleNutrients Calculations, Calories, Calculations. Types of animal feeds testedinclude livestock and cattle feed, aqua culture feed, chicken feed, deer feed,fish feed, hog feed, horse feed, organic poultry feed, pet food, pig feed,poultry feed, prawn feed, shrimp feed, swine feed and more. CDG is an animalfeed testing laboratory providing a number of in depth testing solutions thathelp feed producers, processors, distributors, and their customers understandthe composition, quality, and nutritional value of their animal feed products.We can test any type of animal feed or meal for a number of proximates such asash, fats, proteins, and moisture. Our testing services also help to identifyhazardous and harmful mycotoxins, which can cause sickness and even death inhumans and animals. Make sure your feed is safe and high quality, Needmycotoxin or proximate testing, Get started by contacting us with your needs. Wehave AOCS Approved Chemists on staff to support any of your soybean mealproximate testing needs to ensure your products or those you have sourced areup to your specifications. CDG holds numerous certifications supporting ourwork for the feeds industry.