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Green Audit Services in Kochi

Green Audit Services in Kochi

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Product Description

CIL provides Green Audit Services in Kochi, Kerala, India.CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection body. Green audit was initiated withthe beginning of 1970s with the motive of inspecting the work conducted withinthe organizations whose exercises can cause risk to the health of inhabitantsand the environment. It exposes the authenticity of the proclamations made bymultinational companies, armies and national governments with the concern ofhealth issues as the consequences of environmental pollution. It is the duty oforganizations to carry out the Green Audits of their ongoing processes forvarious reasons such as, to make sure whether they are performing in accordancewith relevant rules and regulations, to improve the procedures and ability ofmaterials, to analyze the potential duties and to determine a way which canlower the cost and add to the revenue. Through Green Audit, one gets adirection as how to improve the condition of environment and there are variousfactors that have determined the growth of carrying out Green Audit. Some ofthe incidents like Bhopal Gas Tragedy (Bhopal 1984), Chernobyl Catastrophe(Ukraine 1986) and Exxon Valdez Oil Spill (Alaska 1989) have cautioned theindustries that setting corporate strategies for environmental securityelements have no meaning until they are implemented. Green Audit is assigned tothe Criteria 7 of NAAC, National Assessment and Accreditation Council which isa self governing organization of India that declares the institutions as GradeA, Grade B or Grade C according to the scores assigned at the time ofaccreditation. The intention of organizing Green Audit is to upgrade theenvironment condition in and around the institutes, colleges, companies andother organizations. It is carried out with the aid of performing tasks likewaste management, energy saving and others to tur into a better environmentalfriendly institute. Steps under green audit, Water Audit, Evaluating thefacilities of raw water intake and determining the facilities for water treatment.Water harvesting is one of the best techniques that can be adopted simplystoring the water and using it at the time of scarcity. The concerned auditorinvestigates the relevant method that can be adopted and implemented to balancethe demand an supply of water. Waste Disposal Audit, The waste clearancemeasures associated to hazardous wastes and recycling are reviewed. The auditordiagnoses the prevailing waste disposal policies and suggests the best way tocombat the problems. Energy Audit, It deals with the energy conservation andmethods to reduce its consumption and the related pollution. The audit ortargets at the energy consuming methods adopted and find whether these methodsare using the energy in a conservative way or not. Environmental Quality Audit,It analyzes the air quality, noise level and the programs undertaken by theinstitute for plantation. The Green Belt should be maintained to reduce thepollution level by decreasing the Carbon dioxide level, Health Audit, Itanalyzes the occupational diseases and safety measures undertaken within theinstitutes. advocate the college initiative to encourage students to respectenvironment and conserve it through plantations. Excessive Plantation alsohelps in reducing the Carbon dioxide emission. Using Renewable Energy,Resources which can be replenished should be used such as rain, sunlight, wind,tides, etc. These resources are more advantageous as they cause leastpollution. The importance of these resources is explained by the Audit team. Carbonaccounting, It undertakes the measure of bulk of carbon dioxide equivalentsexhaled by the organization through which the carbon accounting is done. It isnecessary to know how much the organization is contributing towards thesustainable development. The auditor considers several efforts practiced by theinstitute to lower the Green House Gases in the atmosphere in order to make thecampus more environmental friendly.

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