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Industrial Safety Audit In Bahadurgarh

Industrial Safety Audit In Bahadurgarh

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Product Description

CIL provides industrial safety audit in Bahadurgarh, Haryana India. We are an ISO 17020 accredited inspection body .Objectives of an industrial safety improvement audit. The overall objectives of the safety audit were asunder, 1. to carry out a systematic critical appraisal of all potential hazards involving personal, plant, services and operation methods. 2. to examine critically the working conditions of the plants which are hazardous in nature and may lead to accidents.3. to evaluate work practices and procedures followed in the plant and theireffectiveness.4. to evaluate the effectiveness of the existing safety and health management system and suggest recommendations for implementation by the management. Methodology to be followed i) The following methodology would be adopted to identify the hazards to health and safety of the employees due to deviations from the applicable statutes, standards, operating procedures and the codes of practices by the audit team. ii) The Audit Questionnaire would be sent to the organisation to provide the necessary replies on receipt of the Purchase Order and the tentative dates for the field visit. Additional Questionnaires would be developed depending on the type of industry, iii) The safety Audit would be carried out by a team of 2 to 3experts, One each from Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical or Mining or Oil N Gas Background depending on the type industry, port, refinery, mining or construction site. iv) A thorough survey of various applicable statutes, codes of practices, standards and other literature would be done prior to the fieldwork in order to collect available safety and health related information applicable to the plants to be audited. Based on the information collected, separate additional checklists would be prepared for different areas. The inspections in the plants would be done with the help of these checklists. v)An opening meeting would be held with the Management to explain the objective, scope and methodology that would be followed while carrying out the audit. This meeting would help in establishing mutual communication links between audit team and the plant executives and to confirm the resources and facilities needed by the audit team. vi) The various plants and sections would be visited and inspected to assess the need for supplementing or modifying the details obtained through questionnaires and to ascertain the gaps to make suitable recommendations to overcome the same. vii) Discussions would be held with the plant personnel, supervisors and management representatives and workers to derive the information regarding existing measures on safety and health and accident prevention practices in the plant. viii) The Closing meeting to be held with the Management including the Safety Head and other unit Head to apprise them with the draft audit observations and recommendations based on the audit visit and examination of the various documents to ensure the technical feasibility in implementation. ix) The safety Audit Report would be submit which shall have the following chapters 1) Foreword, 2) Acknowledgment, 3)Executive Summary, 4)Content, 5) Introduction, 6) About the Industry, 7) Process Description, 8)Audit Questionnaire, Reply, Observations and Recommendations, 9)Annexure, x) A sample Copy of the report is attached herewith. OBSERVATIONS and RECOMMENDATIONS,A detailed Recommendations, Action Plan is prepared based on the Audit Findings.

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