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Factory Compliance Audit In Delhi

Factory Compliance Audit In Delhi

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Product Description

CIL Provides Accredited Factory Compliance Audit Services inDelhi. A factory Compliance audit is a type of supplier assessment that takesplace at the manufacturers facility. An auditor assesses their systems,capacity, workplace environment, or capabilities to ensure they meet yourrequirements as a buyer. A factory audit can be used as the last step in qualifyinga potential supplier or as a tool for ongoing supplier management with anexisting supplier. Types of Factory Compliance Audit, Capability audits, To helpverify whether the factory can manufacture your product within the settimelines. Quality audits, to measure whether the supplier has an effectivequality management system in place. Security/C TPAT audits, To ensure compliancewith U.S Customs and Border Protections C TPAT program. Social complianceaudits, To assess working conditions and ensure no human rights violationsoccur, such as child labour. Environmental audits, To verify whether the factorycomplies with environmental standards and requirements. What is the differencebetween a Factory Compliance Audit and a Quality Inspection? In general,factory audits assess a potential supplier and their ability to ship highquality goods in the long term. They focus on the ability to meet requirementsand ensure product quality is maintained. On the other hand, a productinspection focuses only on the products from one particular shipment. Factoryaudits cover items like quality management systems and manufacturing practices.They help you assess whether a supplier is a good fit to produce your productor look for opportunities to improve the relationship. One reason to conduct afactory audit can be to ensure a supplier operates above board. A socialcompliance audit, for example, helps you establish whether they comply withhealth, environmental, and safety standards. How to Prepare for a FactoryCompliance Audit, lets break down the process into three stages, Design,Organize and Plan. Design, Compliance takes a clear design based on yourorganizations systems/applications, internal and external connections, and userrole responsibilities and the data they can access Your design should includethe following components, All compliance requirements to which yourorganization must adhere. Break down the requirements by which areas of yourorganization they affect (some may affect multiple areas) and assign thoserequirements to those specific areas. Physical access to systems, such asthrough telecommunications, access to the buildings that house the systems, anduser access. An illustration that shows everything that is contained within thesystems, input, output and all access points. Architecture and telecommunicationsdesigns. Organize, Step 1, Gather all evidence from previous audits. Even ifyour compliance requirements have changed, this step provides a good startingpoint to build upon. Step 2, Assign requirements to specific groups, Determine whetherthe same groups within the organization are responsible for evidence gatheringfor those requirements. If nothing is changed since the last audit then great!If not, this is the time to determine which groups are responsible for which requirementsand review them with everyone involved. As mentioned above, create folders inthe organizations document repository and always keep your review findings inone place. These folders/files should break down each requirement and all thedocuments, reports, emails, approvals, correspondence, etc. that were used toensure the requirement was met. Move all prior audit documents to these newfolders to keep your archived data up to date. Step 3, Create a map, Every compliancemanager (whether full time or part time) will need to create a map thatidentifies which requirements apply to which groups within your organization.Contacts within those groups should be updated periodically, which will keepyou from having to find the responsible groups at the lastminute. Step 4, Scheduleperiodic reviews of systems, Scheduling periodic reviews of systems ensuresyour architecture documents are updated whenever a change is made. Yourbusiness will change so your compliance reviews should be updated wherenecessary. Ideally, you should assign a person or group who will ensure thosereviews are occurring and documentation is updated. However, if you do not havethe resources, then your internal audit reviews should start months in advanceof your next audit. If you are trying to create an organized repository forevidence, process and procedure documents, CIL illustrations and responsibilitylistings, breaking them down by requirement will help your auditors.

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