CIL provides Green Audit Services in Ahmedabad, Gujarat,India. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection body. Scope and Goals of GreenAuditing, A clean and healthy environment aids effective learning and provideslearning environment. There are various efforts around the world to addressenvironmental educational issues. Green Audit is the most efficient andecological way to manage environmental problems. It is a kind of professionalcare which is the responsibility of each individual who are the part ofeconomical, financial, social and environmental processes. It is necessary toconduct green audit in college campus because students become aware of thegreen audit, its advantages to save the planet and they become good citizen ofour country. Thus Green audit becomes necessary at the college level. A verysimple indigenized system has been devised to monitor the environmentalperformance. It comes with a series of questions to be answered on a regularbasis. Green Audit is defined as an official examination of the effects acollege has on the environment. It helps to improve the existing practices withthe aim of reducing the adverse effects of these on the environment concerned.Several institutions have applied various view points to preserve theenvironment within the campus such as promotion of energy savings, recycling ofwaste, water use reduction, water harvesting etc., Green audit visualizes thedocumentation of all such activities taking stock of the infrastructure of thecollege, their academic and managerial policies and future plans. A greenauditor will study an organizations environmental effects in a systematic anddocumented manner and will produce environmental audit report. A clean andhealthy environment aids effective learning and provides a conducive learningenvironment. Green audit can be a useful tool for a college of determines howand where they are using the most energy or water or natural resources, thecollege can then consider how to implement changes and make savings. It canalso be used to determine the type and volume of waste, which can be used forare cycling project or to improve waste minimization plan. It can create healthconsciousness and promote environmental awareness, values and ethics. It providesstaff and students better understanding of green impact on campus directly.Green auditing promotes financial savings through reduction of manmade resourceand its uses. It gives an opportunity for the development of ownership,personal and social responsibility for the students and teachers. Thus it isimperative that the college evaluates its own contributions towards asustainable future. As environmental sustainability is becoming an increasinglyimportant issue for the entire region and the nation, the role of highereducational institutions in relation to environmental sustainability is morerelevant. In CDG the audit process involved initial interviews with the staffto seek clarification of policies, activities, records and with the co operationof staff and other employers in the implementation of data for the green auditprocess, through the questionnaire based survey, review of records, observationof practices and observable outcomes, in the green auditing process in thecollege. The baseline data prepared for this college will be a useful tool forcampus greening, resource management planning of future projects, and documentsfor implementation of sustainable development of the college. Existing datawill allow the college to compare its programs and operations with those ofpeer institutions, identify areas in need of improvement, and prioritize theimplementation of future projects. The green audit reports assist in theprocess of attaining an eco friendly approach to the sustainable development ofthe college. It is Hoped that the results presented in the green auditingreport will serve as a guide for the educating the college community on theexisting environment related practices and resource usage at the college aswell as spawn new activities and innovative practices. We expect that themanagement will be committed to implement the green audit recommendations.
Product details
Type Of Service Provider | Green Audit Services |
Mode Of Report | Soft Copy |
Audit Frequency | One Time Requirement |
Reason For Audit | NAAC |
Audit Type | Green Audit |
Usage/Application | College / University |