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Green Audit Services In Bhopal

Green Audit Services In Bhopal

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Product Description

CIL provides Green Audit Services in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh,India. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection body. The broad objectives ofthe Green auditing scheme are, Diagnosing the Green problems to eliminate them.Green education through a systematic Green management approach. Improving Greenstandards. Benchmarking for Green protection initiatives. Efficient utilizationof resources. Financial savings through a reduction in resource use. Curriculumenrichment through practical experience. Development of ownership, personal andsocial responsibility for the college and its environment. Enhancement ofcollege profile. Developing an Green ethic and value systems in young people.Providing certain recommendations based on Green audit report for institutionsupliftment and channeled functioning. Ensuring compliance, not only with laws,regulations and standards but also with company policies and the requirementsof an Green Management System (EMS) standard. Enabling Green problems and risksto be anticipated and responses planned. To demonstrate that an organization isaware of its impact upon the environment through providing feedback. The termGreen means eco friendly or not damaging the environment. This canacronymically be called as Global Readiness in Ensuring Ecological Neutrality(GREEN). Green Audit can be defined as systematic dentification,quantification, recording, reporting and analysis of components ofenvironmental diversity. Green accounting can be defined as systematicidentification quantification, recording, reporting & analysis ofcomponents of ecological diversity & expressing the same in financial orsocial terms. Green Auditing, an umbrella term, is known by another nameEnvironmental Auditing. The Green Audit aims to analyze environmental practiceswithin and outside the college campus, which will have an impact on the ecofriendly ambience. It was initiated with the motive of inspecting the workconducted within the organizations whose exercises can cause risk to the healthof inhabitants and the environment. Through Green Audit, one gets a directionas how to improve the condition of environment and there are various factorsthat have determined the growth of carrying out Green Audit. Educationalinstitutions have broad impacts on the world around them, both negative andpositive. The activities pursued by campus can create a variety of adverseenvironmental impacts. But they are also in a unique position as educationalinstitutions to be leaders in pursuing environmentally sustainable solutions.On the occasion of World Environment Day 2015 an initiative was taken tosustainability while forming a committee to conduct audit of campus and itsfacilities. CDG has taken a number of positive steps to reduce itsenvironmental impact. But many areas remain in which substantial improvementscan be made. This report serves to highlight some accomplishments of and tomake recommendations for improving the campus Green and environmentalsustainability. We have focused on certain indicators, covering an extremelywide range of environmental impacts. For each indicator, we establish abenchmark to evaluate CDG overall performance. We examine the performance ofCDGs on each of these indicators, and offer recommendations about how thecampus can reduce its environmental impact within each indicator. We hope thatthe time to time Green Audit will provide an accurate snapshot of CDGsenvironmental impact at this point in time, and that it will aid the campus inprioritizing positive steps it can take to improve overall sustainability. Weintend this document to be revisited annually and updated by the CDG .

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