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Animal Feed Inspection Services in Ahmedabad

Animal Feed Inspection Services in Ahmedabad

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Product Description

CIL Provides Accredited Animal Feed Inspection Services in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.Quality and process control,Once quality personnel, machinesand procedures have been established, control can best be maintained byapplying effort at the quality pressure points in the mill. These pressurepoints are, Ingredient inventories. Ingredient inventories can be frustratingto mill personnel. However, since inventory programs provide manufacturers witha means of checking to see that the correct amount of ingredient has been usedin a given time period, these programs can allow manufacturers to catchmistakes before they get out of hand. Mc Ellhiney (1981) pointed out that goodingredient inventory systems meet the following criteria, They are simple andunderstood by all, They include physical inventories, They are accurate, Theyconsider history and forecasts, and They are used. Whether the system is simpleor complex, all inventories, except those for drugs, should be done at leastweekly by the same person. Drug inventories must, by law, be perpetual.Projected and actual use of ingredients should be reconciled. In this reconciliation,Andrews (1991b) pointed out that the following tolerances are acceptable: lessthan 100 lb., 4 percent variation; between 100 and 4,000lb., 2 percent and morethan 4,000 lb., 10 percent.Bin cleaning. If bins are not periodically cleaned,ingredients or feeds can build up on the sides, encouraging mould growth andcross contamination. Thus, finished feed and ingredients storage bins should beinspected at least once each month and cleaned as needed. While such cleaningis vital, employee safety is even more vital. Consequently, prior to enteringany bin for cleaning the following precautions should be taken, Verify that thebin is suitable for entry, Verify that the lock out program has been activatedand notify other operators that you are entering the bin, Be certain that aresponsible, trained individual will remain with the person for the duration ofhis or her stay in the bin, Verify that lighting, hoisting, safety andrespiration equipment functions properly, and Verify that first aid equipmentis well supplied and ready for use. During cleaning, a minimum amount of watershould be applied to bins, since excess moisture can require time to evaporate,possibly encouraging mould growth and corrosion of metal bins. Verification ofequipment cleanliness and condition. While maintenance procedures should ensurethat equipment is periodically examined, certain critical points and equipmentpieces should be examined more frequently. Discharge gates and elevator bootsshould be cleaned and inspected for wear or leakage once each week. Elevatorhead pulleys should be checked for correct alignment, heat and wear once eachshift. Turn heads should be examined for correct position and wear on a weeklybasis. Scalpers or ingredient cleaning equipment should be checked once eachweek. Grinding. If the hammermill and or other grinding equipment does notoperate correctly, then mixing, pelleting and animal performance may suffer.Thus, hammer condition and wear should be checked daily. Magnets should becleaned and checked for correct operation daily or at the shift change. Forpelleted feeds, all ground grains should pass through the sieve. Largerparticle sizes are generally required for mash feeds, since the fine particlesizes required for pelleting are costly and can cause flow ablility problems infeed storage tanks. Special attention should also be paid to the removal ofheat from ground grains exiting the hammermill. If ground grains are notcooled, the heat can cause moisture migration leading to excessive mold growth.In addition, excessive moisture or heat can cause ground grain tanks todeteriorate more rapidly than normal. Air assisted grinding can reduce the heatassociated with grinding.



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