CIL Provides Accredited Electrical Safety Audit Services in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection body for Electrical safety audit and Electrical safety inspection. Importance Of Electrical Safety Inspection. All electrical installations and wiring will deteriorate with age and use. However, most of owners often overlook the wiring condition. At the most, an electrical safety inspection will only be called when a breaker has already been tripped or a fuse has already been blown. It is not surprising that an electrical fault is a common cause for house fires. Having your electrical wiring inspected is one of the most important things to keep you home safe from electrical hazards. You do not want to risk the lives of you loved ones, nor getting your property damaged due to electrical fires. Therefore, electrical safety should be a top priority in your home. A proper electrical safety inspection will, Identify electrical wiring and components that may have degraded over time. Reveal if any electrical circuits are overloaded. Reveal if any lack of earthing. Identify any defective wiring or other mistakes made by non certified electricians or DIY home owners. Spot oversized fuses or breakers that may cause an electrical fire hazard. Find any potential electric shock risks. Electrical safety audit is an activity to examine the Electrical installation suitability for the continued use. As per National Crime records bureau more than a dozen deaths are recorded per day due to Electrical related fire accidents. Today we cannot think of our life without Electricity usage, at the same time we cannot ignore the dangers involved in it because, Electricity cannot be smelt, heard or seen. Electrical Safety Audit brings out the non compliance of an Electrical installation to the management, detects the incipient faults in the system, so that corrective actions can be initiated to avoid the major mishap. The Electrical safety audit is based on all or any of the following as per client specific requirements. 1956 IE Rules and Electricity Act 2003 and National Electricity Code 2011, National Building Code 2005 (Indian). Bureau of Indian Standards, National Electricity Code 2011 and NFPA 70(American). Electrical safety audit mainly constitutes inspection and testing on site which come up with recommendation after data analysis. As directed by the Indian Electricity Rules1956 (amendment 2000), Electrical installations should be subjected to periodic safety audits at regular intervals to identify the deformations in the installations, which impair safety. Generally, the audit frequency will depend on the nature and type of activities within each area of operation but should be carried out once each year, with more frequent inspections for specific areas or activities. Records of injury and damage accidents should be examined and use to identify high risk areas and activities and consequently those needing more frequent inspection. Periodic inspection and testing of an electrical installation is an imperative activity, to maintain the Electrical systems in safe and healthy condition. Electrical Safety Audit provides the information about the following, By passing of fuses and ELCBs and Relay settings. Storage of combustible materials near the Electrical panels and UPS and Battery if any. Cables and wires condition. Noncompliance to codes and standards. Earthling defects. Sealing of ducts and voids to prevent fire propagation. Damaged switch socket outlets. Satisfactory presence of MCBs and MCCBs. Lighting an Lux level in different areas. Electrical Panel installations and locations and clearances. Mismatch in the As built drawings and actual installations. Electrical Safety Audit mainly consists of visual inspection and review of electrical safety systems and verification of documents related to electrical safety at different stage. We are offering our services at different stages under Electrical Safety Audit as below, Review of proposed single line diagram for the premises. Physical visual inspection of various installations in premises with reference to the applicable Indian standards, Indian Electricity rules and design layout during Installation. Review of Electrical preventive maintenance program, examine the documentation, check lists, work permit, energy consumption recordings etc. once premises comes in operation. Testing using various instruments to determine insulation resistance, polarity, phase sequence, earth resistance and residual current etc, as required to assess the condition of the installation. Helping in implementation of various recommendations addressed in Electrical Safety Audit Report. Expected Root Cause analysis if some accident happens.