CIL Provides Accredited Factory Compliance Audit Services inGurgaon, Haryana, India. A factory Compliance audit is a tailor made programaimed at assessing a facilities quality systems, workplace environment andcapabilities in accordance with standards set by the client. It ensures thatyour vendors and suppliers are able to undertake a specific order as per yourrequirements. A factory Compliance audit is a tailor made program aimed atassessing a facilities quality systems, workplace environment and capabilitiesin accordance with standards set by the client. It ensures that your vendorsand suppliers are able to undertake a specific order as per your requirements.CDGs Factory Compliance Audit Procedure for Vendors, Factories, A typical auditwill last between 6 to 8 hours, largerfactories may require a two day audit. Each audit will include athorough review of the facility for Health and Safety, Social Compliance,Forced Labor and Environmental issues,sub contractors, temporary workers, etc. Factory payroll records, operatinglicenses, employee personnel records, etc. will be reviewed for compliance withlocal laws. A random sampling of employees will be interviewed to assist inevaluating the working conditions at the facility. At the end of the audit, the factory managerwill be presented with a written Corrective Action Plan detailing any findingsdetermined during the audit. After the auditors report is prepared, the Managerand any associated agent will be sent a Factory Compliance Findings Report. Each facility will receive one ofthe following designations, Accepted, These factories have no High or Moderatesafety, health, or labour issues on their initial audit. Audits for Approved factories areconducted. If an Accepted factory has aModerate issue found during their annual audit, their designation will remainas Accepted. Moderate issues be remediated before the next audit, if theModerate issue is found to be open during the next annual audit, the factorywill be downgraded. Developmental, These factories have Moderate safety,health, or labour issues on their initial audit and are approved to produceproducts. Follow up audits will be scheduled. A factory is expected to remediate all moderate issues as noted in theCorrective Action Plan. A factory that has failed to meet their commitments toremediate Moderate issues by the second follow up audit will be downgraded.Pending Rejection, This designation is utilized in the following situations, Afactory has failed to meet their commitments to remediate Moderate issues asnoted in the Corrective Action Plan by the second follow up audit. Thesefactories are authorized to produce products but must fully remediate theModerate or High issues, as determined by a follow up audit, or the designationwill be downgraded to Rejected. Rejected, These factories have High issues, onan initial audit, or persistent Moderate safety, health, or labour issues, andhave failed to remediate these issues throughout the follow up audits. A Rejected factory may complete any issuedpurchase orders, but additional purchase orders may not be issued. SupplyChain, Audits will be conducted at facilities contracted , that are engaged inthe production of Textiles, Leather, and Polymer (soles and foot beds). These audits will take place every timeneeded . A Supply Chain facility is required to make continuous improvementagainst the established Corrective Action Plan. Conclusion, CDG intends totreat all suppliers in a fair and honest manner and to build a foundation for along term relationship. Within practical means, CDG will assist each supplierin achieving compliance with CDGs Terms of Engagement.