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Green Audit Services In Gurgaon

Green Audit Services In Gurgaon

Product Details:


Product Description

CIL provides Green Audit Services in Gurgaon, Haryana,India. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection body. If Green Audit is enforcedin an effective way then there are many advantages that could be adopted fromit. It would help to shield the environment. Recognize the cost saving methodsthrough waste minimizing and managing. Point out the prevailing and forthcomingcomplications. Authenticate conformity with the implemented laws. Empower theorganizations to frame abetter environmental performance. It portrays a goodimage of a company which helps building better relationships with the group ofstakeholders. Enhance the alertness for environmental guidelines and duties,Pre Audit, Plan the audit, Select the audit team, Schedule the audit facility,Acquire the background information, Visit the site, On site, Understand thescope of audit, Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the internal controls,Conduct the audit, Evaluate the observations of audit program, Prepare a reportof the observations side by side, Post Audit, Produce a draft report of thedata collected, Produce a final report of the observations and the inference withaccuracy, Distribute the final report to the management, Prepare an action planto overcome the flaws, Keep a watch on the action plan, The objective ofcarrying out Green Audit is securing the environment and cut down the threatsposed to human health. To make sure that rules and regulations are taken careof, To avoid the interruptions in environment that are more difficult to handleand their correction requires high cost. To suggest the best protocols foradding to sustainable development. The green audit practically involves energyconservation, use of renewable resources, rain water harvesting, efforts ofcarbon sequestration methods, planting trees, waste management includinghazardous and e-waste. This requires data collection and efforts for clarificationof environmental policies. Green auditing includes systematic identification,recording and analysis of components related to sustainable development of aneducational institution to preserve for future generations. The process hasthree important stages such as pre audit stage, audit stage and post auditstage. In, a training programme conducted for students and staff to help themcollect data during the audit processes. Pre audit meeting was held in thecollege also provided an opportunity to reinforce the scope and objectives ofthe audit, and discussions that were held on the practical's associated with theaudit. This meeting is an important prerequisite for the green audit. In thesaid college, meeting was conducted successfully and necessary documents werecollected directly from the college before the initiation of the auditprocesses. Actual planning of audit processes was discussed in the pre auditmeeting. With the help of staff and the college management. The collegeauthorities were ready to encourage all green activities. It was decided topromote all activities that are environment friendly such as awareness programson environment, campus farming, planting more trees in the campus etc. afterthe green auditing. The management of the college was willing to formulatepolicies based on green auditing report. Carbon accounting, It undertakes themeasure of the majority of Carbon dioxide equivalents exhaled by theinstitution so that carbon accounting is done. It is very necessary to know howmuch an institution contributes to sustainable development. In order to makethe campus more eco friendly, the auditor should take and practice to lower theGreenhouse Gases. At the Institution level, the green audit focuses on GreenCampus, Water Conservation and its Management, Waste Management, Air Pollution,Animal Welfare, Energy Management, Carbon Footprint etc. The above points areimplemented by the Institution Management. What is importance of green audit?Green auditing promotes financial savings through reduction of manmade resourceand its uses. It gives an opportunity for the development of ownership,personal and social responsibility for the students and teachers.

Product details 

Type Of Service Provider

Green Audit Services

Type Of Energy


Mode Of Report

Soft Copy

Audit Frequency


Reason For Audit


Audit Type

Green Audit


College / University


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